It must be Christmas when only a couple days ago XBox 360 got its 4th Dashboard Update, a day later an OFFICIAL iOS My Box LIVE App drops into the Apple Store to say “Ho, Ho, Ho, Merry Christmas!!” This free app will allow you to stay connected to the Xbox LIVE community when away from your console. Some of the features include:

  • Manage your friends list, invite new friends
  • Read and send messages to friends
  • Read and Edit your full LIVE profile (name, bio, motto)
  • Change your avatar features/items with the avatar closet
  • View and compare your achievement progress with friends


iPhone Update Required to iOS 4.3Be sure to update iTunes to the latest version otherwise you’ll get this sexy “Don’t-Pass-Go” message waiting for you. Time spent waiting? I wasn’t counting, but my guesstimation is that it took an hour from upgrading iTunes to upgrading the iPhone. I’m really enjoying this App because previous ones (not made by MS) sucked like the Heat in 2011’s NBA Finals.

And of course, Apple iOS couldn’t get this app without the Xbox Companion going to Windows Phone 7 too; which promises even more features than the iOs app.
