by MaXfReZa | Jun 10, 2014 | Gaming
Introducing another super cute title from Nintendo, Yoshi’s Woolly...
by MaXfReZa | Jun 10, 2014 | Gaming
Nintendo’s innovative new game, Splatoon!...
by MaXfReZa | May 30, 2014 | Gaming
Smash Bros. fans, count your lucky stars and welcome Nintendo’s newest gaming accessory! It’s an adapter to use a GameCube controller on Wii U. The announcement was made with a classy Twitter post seen here: Get excited! The #WiiU version of #SmashBros....
by MaXfReZa | Apr 3, 2014 | Gaming
Mario Kart 8 – New Features Trailer is TOTALLY AWESOME!! Mario Kart returns and wow are we amazed at the sheer number of exciting things that are happening on screen. Just watch the trailer, watch it now!!...
by MaXfReZa | Apr 1, 2014 | Gaming
In this new Call of Duty map pack, Devastation DLC… There are volcanoes erupting on button command, vast green terrain to explore, and a new enemy… Predator from the Predator movie series. Check it out!...