YouTube to Acquire Twitch for $1 Billion Dollars

YouTube to Acquire Twitch for $1 Billion Dollars

I personally liked the idea of Twitch being independent of other gaming entities. Entities who’d love to corner the market; which only serves to divide the gaming community in the long run. For example, what’s to stop Google from giving Sony, Microsoft,...
Introducing Facebook Graph Search

Introducing Facebook Graph Search

Facebook is now in the search engine business… sorta. Introducing “Facebook Graph Search”. Now you can search your network of friends for what ever you might want to know. For example: “Photos of friends, Places friends traveled, Foods friends...
Fresh Prince: Google Translate Remix Baby

Fresh Prince: Google Translate Remix Baby

  Fresh Prince is on the cutting block for the Google Translate Remix Baby! This is what happens when Google tries to translate awesome pop culture from English into the languages of the world and back into English. Enjoy. [youtube id=”LMkJuDVJdTw”...
What The: Google Glasses All Hype or Reality?

What The: Google Glasses All Hype or Reality?

Google Glasses All Hype or Reality? By Christina DesMarais, PCWorld    Apr 7, 2012 8:13 AM Google fans hope the Internet search leader’s proposed augmented reality glasses are more reality than hype, even if history shows companies are more often releasing videos...