Xbox Lifetime UK Sales Is 200K Behind Wii

Xbox Lifetime UK Sales Is 200K Behind Wii

When the console wars began with the début of Playstation 3, XBox 360, and the Wii, Wii became the unexpected champion for about 4 straight years. Wii’s sales trumped the Playstation and XBox like Donkey Kong vs. Bananas. Nintendo was facing a “do or...
Kevin Butler and Wii: Welcome to the Dark Side

Kevin Butler and Wii: Welcome to the Dark Side

Kevin Butler (actor: Jerry Lambert) breaks ranks with Playstation by doing a Bridgstone commercial which entails a free Nintendo Wii giveaway. Needless to say, Playstation cries foul and all hell breaks loose. The “I’ll SUE you” hammer drops  on...

Operation Rainfall thanks for everything

The month has arrived!! Nintendo Fans have being asking for three RPG games to hit the U.S. market. But our voices was left unheard, so here comes a group called Operation Rainfall to the rescue  (as you see their Facebook or Twitter pages). The group and Nintendo...