by MaXfReZa | Jan 30, 2013 | Gaming
When the console wars began with the début of Playstation 3, XBox 360, and the Wii, Wii became the unexpected champion for about 4 straight years. Wii’s sales trumped the Playstation and XBox like Donkey Kong vs. Bananas. Nintendo was facing a “do or...
by MaXfReZa | Jan 17, 2013 | Gaming
Kevin Butler (actor: Jerry Lambert) breaks ranks with Playstation by doing a Bridgstone commercial which entails a free Nintendo Wii giveaway. Needless to say, Playstation cries foul and all hell breaks loose. The “I’ll SUE you” hammer drops on...
by bigron29vi | Dec 6, 2011 | Gaming
The month has arrived!! Nintendo Fans have being asking for three RPG games to hit the U.S. market. But our voices was left unheard, so here comes a group called Operation Rainfall to the rescue (as you see their Facebook or Twitter pages). The group and Nintendo...